Sunday, January 7, 2018


The majority of citizens in Arynor believe in a dualistic religion: the never ending battle between the Holy Light and the Shadow. The Light and Shadow flow through all things, they are the dual matter that makes up the world, without one, the other would dominate and the world would end. 

The Light
The Light is Justice, Hope, and Life. Clerics of the Light are able to harness the Light in themselves and others to heal the injured, cure the sick, bring back the recently deceased, and to turn back the agents of the Shadow. 

The Light is the good of the world, the spark of life. Paragons of the Light battle evil and the creatures of Shadow with their dying breath, and root out its cancer wherever it is found. The Inquisition of the Church of the Holy Light and its Templars patrol city streets and venture into ancient ruins to rid the world of the Shadow's corruption. 

The Shadow

The Shadow is evil incarnate, and within its darkness a cancer grows. The Sorcerer Kings of Ter Mul were the first to harness its full power, and a blasted land was the result. Once a lush kingdom of fertile land, Ter Mul is now a darkened hell of broken rock, black necrotic sand, haunted by undead creatures. The Dwarven kingdom of Adaman was fully consumed by the influence of the Shadow when its King was corrupted by Asmed the Mad, the spirit of one of the Sorcerer Kings of Ter Mul. The Shadow's goal is to snuff out the Light. 

The power of the Shadow lies in the vices that all living beings have. Whether it be gluttony, greed, lust, pride, the Shadow takes what is good and darkens it to fulfil its own purpose. The bestial races of Gul Hastur are dedicated to the Shadow, and their sense of savagery is a direct extension of this. 

The Divinities

The Divinities were mortals once, paragons of their respective Domains. They are worshipped within their respective Alignments as Saints. The Neutral Divinities are balanced between The Light and The Shadow perfectly, but may one day tilt to either side.    

Anahit: The goddess of creation, of life, and renewal.
Alignment: The Holy Light

Gerra: The goddess of the sun, of light, and of justice.
Alignment: The Holy Light
Tiur: The god of knowledge, of libraries and tomes.
Alignment: The Holy Light
Mihr: The god of law, of justice, and of the courts
Alignment: The Holy Light
Vahagn: The god of battle, of strategy, and heroic deeds
Alignment: The Holy Light
Selardi: The god of the wilderness, of animals, and the elements.
Alignment: Neutral
Ara: The goddess of the sea, of the bottomless depths, and the winds.
Alignment: Neutral
Sarahn: The goddess of jokes, of pranks, and of art.
Alignment: Neutral
Ahura Maz: The goddess of magic, of spells, and of secrets.
Alignment: Neutral
Belet: The god of the Dead, of the Afterlife, and the Underworld
Alignment: Neutral
Teshub: The god of storms, of lightning and rain.
Alignment: The Shadow
Gahra: The god of thieves, of assassinations, of the night.
Alignment: The Shadow
Hastul Rok: The god of conquest, of slavery, and of battle.
Alignment: The Shadow
Saris: The god of death, undeath, and necromancy.
Alignment: The Shadow

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The following are allowable Sub-Classes for use in Legends of Arynor. The links will bring you to the pdfs found here . Cleric:           ...