Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Races

There are four major Races in Arynor: The hardy Dwarves, the Stoic Elves, the jovial Halflings, and the Industrious Humans. 

The Dwarves: 

The race of Dwarves hail from the lands north of the Snowy Peaks of Ibitus. They are a hardy, deeply spiritual race that watched their greatest city, Adaman, succumb to the powers of Shadow. As the Dwarves of Adaman were slowly corrupted, becoming more and more degenerate and militaristic, the Dwarves of the other cities locked themselves away in their mountain Citadels, only recently coming out of their self-imposed exile to form alliances with the other races in the form of treaties and trade. 
Adaman remains a threat to all the north, and the Shadow-corrupted Dwarves are striking out against other cities, sacrificing their victims to dark spirits. The corruption of Adaman has slowly started to spread throughout the north. 

The Elves:

The race of Elves are the oldest and self-proclaimed wisest of the Races. From their magic-infused island nation of Dasen Elurian, the Elves watch their borders for any sign of trespass. The Elves once ruled over the continent in a vast Empire, but they were laid low when the Sorcerer Kings of Ter Mul secretly brought forth their armies against the Elves. In a battle of cataclysmic proportions, Ter Mul was destroyed, blasted apart by eldritch energy. They are wary of the dwarves for they have seen the Shadow corrupt members of their own Race. 

The Halflings:

The Homeland of the Halflings is Grenerest, an idyllic land of rolling farmlands and small lakes. Virtually untouched by the taint of Shadow, corrupted Halflings are almost unheard of. Despite their laid-back, almost placid nature, they are incredibly strong willed and most have an industrious nature. As they interact more with Dwarves and Humans, Halflings have begun to move out of Grenerest, and are making their homes within the Jeweled Cities or the Mountain Citadels. The Elves are watching this development carefully, as the Halflings seem almost immune to the Shadow's influence. 

The Humans: 

The Humans of Arynor started as barbaric nomads who eventually settled in the north-western ruins of Dasen Elurian. From these savage beginnings, the Jeweled Cities of Arynor grew, becoming the pinnacle of civilization and learning. Borrowing from the crafting of the Dwarves and the magic and philosophy of the Elves, the Humans have flourished in a relatively short amount of time. Humans, of all the Races have the most diversity. Their skin ranges from dark brown to pale white, they can be anywhere from four foot to seven tall. But even more diverse than their looks are their belief systems, their governments, and their actions. Some are Paragons of the Light, upholding its values. Others give themselves whole-heartedly to the Shadow, rivaling the ancient Sorcerer Kings in villainy. Most Humans find themselves somewhere in between.

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