Sunday, January 7, 2018



Men and Women from all Races may choose to take up the charge of the Light, or the beckoning of the Shadow. These Men and Women fight with both spell and mace. 

Clerics that join specific Orders can use edged weapons, or even learn limited Thief Skills. Clerics of the Church of the Holy Light cannot cast Harm Spells, and Clerics of the Cult of the Shadow cannot cast Cure Spells.
See the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing book for Class Details. 


Fighters can be of any Race, and are the soldiers, guards, warriors, barbarians, knights, and more of the world. 

Fighters can wield any weapon, having trained extensively in multiple styles. Fighters that join specific Orders may enjoy additional training in a weapon or weapon type, gaining a +1 AB while wielding that weapon.

See the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing book for Class Details. 

Magic User:

Humans and Elves have harnessed the power of the arcane, and can use it to create or destroy. The energy of the elements course through the Magic User's blood. 

Magic Users that join specific Orders may be granted equipment or additional training in one particular type of spell. 

See the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing book for Class Details. 


Thieves are cut-purses, cat burglars, con-men, thugs, treasure hunters, scouts, assassins, and more. They can be found in any wilderness or city. They can be greedy, filled with avarice, or they may be just trying to survive one more day and feed their families. They may have noble intent, to steal from the rich and to give to the poor.

Thieves that join specific Orders may obtain training in additional skills, access to different areas of a city, or may be gifted items that would be greatly beneficial to them and their pursuits.

See the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing book for Class Details. 

The Inquisition of the Church of the Holy Light

The Inquisition of the Church of the Holy Light is a branch of the Church Militant that are charged with outing the influence of the Shadow. They are undead slayers, actively hunting these profane abominations of life. Clerics of the Light, they are different in their fellow Clerics in that they are able to use any weapon available to Fighters, including edged weapons. 

They are made up of members of all Races, and are stationed throughout Arynor, with strongholds near Adaman and the Haunted Shore at the border of Ter Mul. They are paragons of righteousness, and lesser undead flee before them and their glowing holy symbols. 

The agents of Shadow take delight in slaying these Clerics, and the Sorcerer Kings of Ter Mul actively seek out new ways of corrupting them. 

To join the Inquisition of the Church of the Holy Light, a character must be a 5th Level Cleric who has killed an undead creature more powerful than a ghoul. 

Upon entry, the Cleric is gifted a Longsword +1 and a suit of Plate Mail +1. New members of the Order are stationed in either Adaman or the Haunted Shore. 


The majority of citizens in Arynor believe in a dualistic religion: the never ending battle between the Holy Light and the Shadow. The Light and Shadow flow through all things, they are the dual matter that makes up the world, without one, the other would dominate and the world would end. 

The Light
The Light is Justice, Hope, and Life. Clerics of the Light are able to harness the Light in themselves and others to heal the injured, cure the sick, bring back the recently deceased, and to turn back the agents of the Shadow. 

The Light is the good of the world, the spark of life. Paragons of the Light battle evil and the creatures of Shadow with their dying breath, and root out its cancer wherever it is found. The Inquisition of the Church of the Holy Light and its Templars patrol city streets and venture into ancient ruins to rid the world of the Shadow's corruption. 

The Shadow

The Shadow is evil incarnate, and within its darkness a cancer grows. The Sorcerer Kings of Ter Mul were the first to harness its full power, and a blasted land was the result. Once a lush kingdom of fertile land, Ter Mul is now a darkened hell of broken rock, black necrotic sand, haunted by undead creatures. The Dwarven kingdom of Adaman was fully consumed by the influence of the Shadow when its King was corrupted by Asmed the Mad, the spirit of one of the Sorcerer Kings of Ter Mul. The Shadow's goal is to snuff out the Light. 

The power of the Shadow lies in the vices that all living beings have. Whether it be gluttony, greed, lust, pride, the Shadow takes what is good and darkens it to fulfil its own purpose. The bestial races of Gul Hastur are dedicated to the Shadow, and their sense of savagery is a direct extension of this. 

The Divinities

The Divinities were mortals once, paragons of their respective Domains. They are worshipped within their respective Alignments as Saints. The Neutral Divinities are balanced between The Light and The Shadow perfectly, but may one day tilt to either side.    

Anahit: The goddess of creation, of life, and renewal.
Alignment: The Holy Light

Gerra: The goddess of the sun, of light, and of justice.
Alignment: The Holy Light
Tiur: The god of knowledge, of libraries and tomes.
Alignment: The Holy Light
Mihr: The god of law, of justice, and of the courts
Alignment: The Holy Light
Vahagn: The god of battle, of strategy, and heroic deeds
Alignment: The Holy Light
Selardi: The god of the wilderness, of animals, and the elements.
Alignment: Neutral
Ara: The goddess of the sea, of the bottomless depths, and the winds.
Alignment: Neutral
Sarahn: The goddess of jokes, of pranks, and of art.
Alignment: Neutral
Ahura Maz: The goddess of magic, of spells, and of secrets.
Alignment: Neutral
Belet: The god of the Dead, of the Afterlife, and the Underworld
Alignment: Neutral
Teshub: The god of storms, of lightning and rain.
Alignment: The Shadow
Gahra: The god of thieves, of assassinations, of the night.
Alignment: The Shadow
Hastul Rok: The god of conquest, of slavery, and of battle.
Alignment: The Shadow
Saris: The god of death, undeath, and necromancy.
Alignment: The Shadow

The Races

There are four major Races in Arynor: The hardy Dwarves, the Stoic Elves, the jovial Halflings, and the Industrious Humans. 

The Dwarves: 

The race of Dwarves hail from the lands north of the Snowy Peaks of Ibitus. They are a hardy, deeply spiritual race that watched their greatest city, Adaman, succumb to the powers of Shadow. As the Dwarves of Adaman were slowly corrupted, becoming more and more degenerate and militaristic, the Dwarves of the other cities locked themselves away in their mountain Citadels, only recently coming out of their self-imposed exile to form alliances with the other races in the form of treaties and trade. 
Adaman remains a threat to all the north, and the Shadow-corrupted Dwarves are striking out against other cities, sacrificing their victims to dark spirits. The corruption of Adaman has slowly started to spread throughout the north. 

The Elves:

The race of Elves are the oldest and self-proclaimed wisest of the Races. From their magic-infused island nation of Dasen Elurian, the Elves watch their borders for any sign of trespass. The Elves once ruled over the continent in a vast Empire, but they were laid low when the Sorcerer Kings of Ter Mul secretly brought forth their armies against the Elves. In a battle of cataclysmic proportions, Ter Mul was destroyed, blasted apart by eldritch energy. They are wary of the dwarves for they have seen the Shadow corrupt members of their own Race. 

The Halflings:

The Homeland of the Halflings is Grenerest, an idyllic land of rolling farmlands and small lakes. Virtually untouched by the taint of Shadow, corrupted Halflings are almost unheard of. Despite their laid-back, almost placid nature, they are incredibly strong willed and most have an industrious nature. As they interact more with Dwarves and Humans, Halflings have begun to move out of Grenerest, and are making their homes within the Jeweled Cities or the Mountain Citadels. The Elves are watching this development carefully, as the Halflings seem almost immune to the Shadow's influence. 

The Humans: 

The Humans of Arynor started as barbaric nomads who eventually settled in the north-western ruins of Dasen Elurian. From these savage beginnings, the Jeweled Cities of Arynor grew, becoming the pinnacle of civilization and learning. Borrowing from the crafting of the Dwarves and the magic and philosophy of the Elves, the Humans have flourished in a relatively short amount of time. Humans, of all the Races have the most diversity. Their skin ranges from dark brown to pale white, they can be anywhere from four foot to seven tall. But even more diverse than their looks are their belief systems, their governments, and their actions. Some are Paragons of the Light, upholding its values. Others give themselves whole-heartedly to the Shadow, rivaling the ancient Sorcerer Kings in villainy. Most Humans find themselves somewhere in between.

What You Need to Play

The Book

The only book you'll need is Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game by Chris Gonnerman. The Basic Fantasy Field Guide would be helpful for Game Masters as well. The pdfs for these books can be found here. A print copy can be had for $5.

The Dice

The standard array of dice, you'll need a set or two. These can be found at any Game Store or for really cheap on Amazon. 

The Pencil
Pretty self-explanatory.

Your Imagination

That's it. That's all you need. Have fun!


The following are allowable Sub-Classes for use in Legends of Arynor. The links will bring you to the pdfs found here . Cleric:           ...